Five Steps to Choosing a Great Vitamin

Don’t forget to take your Probiotics!

You may be asking, “Probi – what – ics”?

The term “probiotics” simply means “pro life.” Their role in maintaining good health is tremendous. In the scientific community, they are known as “friendly bacteria.” Probiotics aid the digestive system and strengthen the immune system. Bottom line, probiotics have such a wide range of positive roles that nearly everybody could improve their health by supplementing their diet with probiotics.

The importance of Enzymes

Like probiotics, enzymes also aid digestion. Proper digestion of food should be your body’s top priority. Why? Because all other bodily functions, including the immune system, energy production and even brain functions, are all put on pause until the body digests its food. When digestion is functioning properly, food is broken down and nutrients are made available by the body itself for repair, metabolism, and healing without undue stress. Many negative factors wreck havoc on our digestive systems: the way our foods are grown and processed, toxins in the environment – even undue stress and anger. As a result, up to 70 million Americans experience a whole range of digestive disorders such as bloating, gas, and stomach cramps.

What dosage should I take?

Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)

RDA’s are based on scientific research and are set at levels to provide for 98% of all healthy persons living in the US. There is a cushion built in so that if you get 67% of the RDA for a nutrient, you should be getting a minimum amount as an average person. Remember that the RDA’s are based on preventing deficiency symptoms specific to each vitamin and mineral. So when choosing a multi-vitamin, check to see if a daily serving contains 100% of the RDA, providing, of course, that a daily value has been established.

So in summary, there are five Steps to Choosing a Great Vitamin:

1. Choose a mulch-vitamin made from the highest grade of Whole-Food sources. Do NOT choose a multi-vitamin that contains a concoction of synthetic ingredients that you can’t even pronounce.

2. Choose minerals that are chelated.

3. Choose a multivitamin containing Probiotics.

4. Choose a multivitamin containing Enzymes derived from vegetables.

5. Choose a multivitamin containing 100% of the Recommended Daily Allowances whenever established.

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