The Health Benefits of Probiotic Acidophilus

In the human digestive tract there are more than a hundred different kinds of species of bacteria. Bacteria which are necessary and useful to us are less in number such as lactobacilli, bifidus and acidophilus. These bacteria keep our intestinal tract healthy. These bacteria curb the growth of bad bacteria thus keeping our intestine healthy.

Acidophilus is a particular species of probiotic from the Lactobacillus family of bacteria. It has been well-researched in supporting health in areas such as traveler diarrhea, Candida overgrowth and antibiotic-associated thrush or diarrhea.

Lactobacillus acidophilus is a natural resident of your intestinal micro flora, and is probably the most common species found in probiotic supplements on the market today. As it curbs the growth of harmful bacteria, a healthy bacterial balance is maintained in the body.

Acidophilus is often promoted as a supplement to help “maintain bowel health.” It has also been suggested to prevent or treat diarrhea and vaginal infections, to lower cholesterol, to help with lactose digestion in lactose-sensitive people, and to help prevent the growth of the types of bacteria and yeast that can cause illness.

It Helps In

Prevention of Diarrhea: diarrhea is caused by various reasons, one being eating spoiled food, its helps to prevent and reduce its severity. It is also helpful to prevent infectious diarrhea caused by harmful bacteria like astrovirus and E coli.

Balances Bacteria: When you are ill and take medications, the antibiotics kill all the bacteria present in your digestive system including the ones that benefit your body. Supplements of Acidophilus can help to bring a balance in the digestive tract by regenerating the good bacteria and may also help with the common side effects like flatulence and cramping that the antibiotics have caused.

Reduces Vaginal Infection:Acidophilus proves to be effective for bacterial infections in the vaginal area. It is usually taken orally, but it can also be inserted in the form of a tablet into the affected area while curing the infections of this kind.

Other Uses

Helps in digestion and lowers the disease causing harmful bacteria.
Treats chronic constipation.
Improves lactose tolerance in people who are lactose intolerant.
Enhances the immunity system.
Reduces risk of allergies.
Helps in the treatment of high cholesterol level.
Treats irritable bowel syndrome.

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Some supporters claim acidophilus may lower the risk of cancer, especially colon cancer. It is supposed to do this by neutralizing cancer-causing agents (carcinogens) in the diet and by directly killing tumor cells. Some also claim that acidophilus works against cancer by boosting the immune system by making B vitamins and vitamin K, and that it reduces cholesterol levels, which proponents say tumor cells need in order to grow.

When taking acidophilus, the dosage usually refers to the number of live bacteria. Most sources suggest 1 to 15 billion bacteria as a recommended dose, although some studies have used larger amounts. It’s available in tablet, capsule, liquid, and powder form. Average dosage suggestions vary from 1 to 3 times per day. However, some scientists warn that the concentration of the bacteria in the supplements varies widely from one manufacturer to another. Yogurt with live cultures and milk with L. acidophilus added to it are other sources.